Tuesday, December 05, 2006


在網上有位小姐﹝美國人﹞,Ajahn Paul 曾說她有心臟病,後再她要求 Ajahn Paul 再說多一點。以下是 Ajahn Paul 給她的 email 及她的回覆。

hi nicole,

lets see if im right!

-u have astigmatism, or easy to have ur eyes hurt, especially the left eye.

-easy to get dissy. and no matter in winter or summer, u sweat when u r sleeping.

-u r not easy to get sick (flu, fever etc), or u r not quite concern about ur health, may be bcoz if u got sick, most of the time u didnt need to visit a doc or to take any pills, and u would be fine quite soon.

- but on the other hand, ur stomach is one of ur [weak part].

-sorry to tell.... u may not just have 1 marriage. demand of sex, different mind, and affair could be the most 3 main elements that causing arguement and separate.

thats all for the time being.
please let me know if im right or wrong.
About my eyes, yes that is right, I have very very bad vision, which is worse in my left eye.
I get dizzy all the time, yes, sometimes I think I am even going to faint...and I sweat when I sleep too, unfortunately.
You're right in that I don't often get sick, but I do have a weak stomach and always get sick in my stomach...
The main thing I was wondering about my health was that when my friend asked you about the ghosts I had seen, you said that you were very concerned I had heart disease?? Can you tell me any more about this because a lot of psychics have told me this...but my doctor says I am healthy so I don't know what I should do.
I appreciate all of your help SO MUCH!
Thanks again, Nicole


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